Thursday, August 29, 2024

Things not found in nature

A bird soaring high in skies of blue
That is confused about which way to fly
And stops at every imagined fork to rue
The paths it chose that weren't right

A deer that strolls through lush meadows
Worried that it is just twiddling toes
It ponders on life's purpose and goal
And wonders if it should strive for more

A lion that kills a thousand prey
When all it can eat is but just one
And carefully stashes the rest away
Saving it for the generations to come

A honey bee that one day stops drinking
Its sweet nectar laced with morning dew
And walks out its hive in protest thinking
It is being denied the credit that is due

A tree that knows not the time of year
To sprout bright flowers or luscious fruit
For every fallen leaf, sheds a copious tear 
And honors its memory with an ornate tomb

A delicate lily and a golden butterfly
That moan their fleeting lives on a sunny day
And concoct theories of heaven and afterlife
To keep the fear of death at bay

A man that hears the harmony
In the silent melody of nature's song
And knowing his place in the rhapsody
Strikes the perfect note to sing along

Things Not Found in Nature.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The best swimmer

Many swimmers cross the river I see yonder
But to what end they swim so hard I ponder
And now that the time for me to swim has come
I wonder which of them I should be learning from

Is it the one who swims to distant shores the fastest?
Or the one who reaches across waters the farthest?
The one that always chooses to swim against the tide
Flailing arms and legs around with Herculean might?

But none impresses me more than this swimmer I see
Who has the aura of a monk meditating in peace
Wisely she surrenders to the flow of the stream
And swims as effortlessly as walking in a dream

She moves with grace, there is no splash nor sound
She is barely seen, she is one with the water around
She slices the surface with strokes clean and precise
And the river opens to her like butter under a knife

She doesn't resist but rides out the undulating waves
With the poise of a person standing steady in place
She treads the dark waters with a calm serene smile
Born in a heart full of joy and a clear quiescient mind

As she swims, not caring for clocking the miles
But only to push and glide, one breath at a time
It has now become clear as a summer's day to me -
When I swim this River of Life, that is how I must be