Sunday, February 23, 2025

A poetic end

The evening glows in a golden light
No dark clouds are pouring rain
As I walk to the sunset one last time
May your smile wash away my pain

May your thoughts fill my vivid dreams
As I slip into the endless night
When the music of life begins to ebb
May your song be my lullaby

May your soft breath caress my face
As I breathe in the last of mine
In your warm embrace, may I fall
In love with you one more time

May the last thing I see be your eyes
Of solemn grace and silent strength
As beautiful as our journey was
May just as poetic be its end


Inspired by these poignant lines from a ghazal by Qateel Shifai

aakhri hichki tere zaanu pe aaye
maut bhi main shaairana chahta hoon

Why do I write?

Why do I douse my deepest thoughts
In ink and lay them on a paper white
And weave them into words and verse
To what end, I wonder, do I write

I write, perhaps, with the hope someday
Someone may find the shards of my soul
Like petals dried in the pages of books
And put me together into a whole

And know me, beyond the gilded masks
I don for my mistress of vanity
And beyond the baubles bestowed on me
By the benign grace of destiny

And see me, beyond the clothes that hide
My naked flaws in thought and deed
My basest fears and baseless dreams
Memories that bruise, scars that bleed

I write so someone may know me someday
See the real me, without love or loathe
But simply, clearly, with a kind eye
As a soul would see its kindred soul

I write for the lonely child who plays
Hide and seek with the world around
And leaves a trail of words to her place
I write so someday she may be found

Sunday, February 2, 2025

When the night dies

In silent grace comes the unassuming night
Draped in a cape of a golden light
She shrouds the earth, from hill to the sea
With her cloak of dark and tranquil peace
And the earth, so wearied by the drudging day
Melts in her arms, finds warm solace

With a hand, she pins stars in the skies
And with the other, she fills the jaded eyes
Of tired souls with placid sleep
And whispers oh such magical dreams
That no man, no tree, nor beast she meets 
Is left untouched by her wand that heals

But soon she sees the break of dawn
And knows it is now time to move on
When come the first pink rays of the sun
She fades away, biding farewell to none
And the world awakens in sweet delight
Ever so grateful for the soothing night

So deep do some souls touch our lives
That only joy fills the hole they leave behind
And that is why when the great night dies
No laments are heard, none mourns nor cries
But for a sentimental flower or two
Whose hearts bleed tears of morning dew