Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The End

(August 9th, 2008.)

In my search for meaning, to a road I was led
That had writ on it the name "Ambition"
I was told to follow it unto its end
To find and fulfill my life's mission

So diligently I walked, for days and miles
On a fruitless road, but saw no end
At sunsets, when I rested for the night
I was kept awake by discontent.

One such day, she graced my sight,
A serene lake that left me so dazed
As I rested in her lap, I felt that night
Lighter than I had in many days.

Came morning, came the time to leave
(for I may not stop but at the end of the road)
So, dutifully ahead marched my feet
While my heart stayed back in its newfound home

Soon I was back, I could go no more
"And this is the end", to myself I said
The end, not a place that has no further to go
But a place you'd stop at, no matter what lay ahead


  1. In the cross roads that I am right now I feel the following: The decision of when an end you refer to as
    The end, not a place that has no further to go
    But a place you'd stop at, no matter what lay ahead

    has come is something we decide as an individual. However, we start out on a raod and keep walking based on what people feel. And so this end is in many ways a climax and possibly (and unfortunately) with sparks.

    ps: Was app-browsing and stumbled upon your blog. Do keep the ink flowing. Great read

  2. thanks for your thoughts! Yeah, it's true -- unfortunately for us, we let the world decide the end for us most of the time.

  3. Well done. Your analogy to describe "the end" is nice.
