It has not been very many days
Since I was kissed by warm ocean waves
But my tired mind, like a broken pail
Hasn't held on to the joy of a single wave
Poured into me are rivers of love
From my kith and kin and the Gods above
But my heart is like a broken pot
Even a drop of that I can now feel not
Much have I tasted the Lady Luck's kiss
But why do I still feel something's amiss?
No winds of hope can lift my broken wings
Oh, why is my soul made of such broken things?
Were we once part of a beautiful whole
That was then taken apart, soul by soul
And strewn across the earth in a jumbled mess?
Is that why we feel this incompleteness?
Perhaps that is why we seek new things and places
We search for friends among strange faces
We yearn for the thing that will make us whole
But only a fortunate few find that kindred soul
Who walks into our lives when the time is right
Like a drop of the sun that makes all things bright
Who brings to our lives the balance we need
And a breeze that makes us float carefree
Who fills our hearts with unbounded joy
And gives us wings so our dreams can fly
Who sees into our souls beyond the skin
Whose touch awakens the child within
When they hold us close, promise to never let go
The nomad in us feels he is finally home
When they hear our words that are never spoken
That is when we become truly unbroken
A soulmate, for many, is an unending quest
But if we cease, the heart is never quite at rest
The yearning, the seeking, and the joy of becoming
One with the other, is it the purpose of our being?
Perhaps we are pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
That our maker breaks and rebuilds for his thrill
The lucky amongst us, wedged in place, feel complete
Whilst the rest of us search for our matching piece