Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A magical night

The bright leaves of autumn
    orange and red
In the lap of earth, they have
    laid out a bed
For you. Come, lie down.

A cool breeze from the hills 
    gently wafts in
Bringing with it the scent
    of sweet jasmine
To caress your soul.

And it carries up its wings
    on its way out
The burdens you bear which were
    never really yours
Just let them all go.

A little bird on your shoulder
    has come over to whisper
A silly joke in your ear to make
    a hearty smile appear
On your beautiful face.

A silver feather glides over
    and softly lingers
Over your eyelids, as if stroking
    with its smooth fingers
Your tired eyes shut.

Soon the sun takes your leave
    in the western sky
Pulls down the golden blinds
    turns out all the lights
As he tiptoes away. 

The dark soothing stillness
    of the tender night
Like a warm cozy blanket
    wraps around you tight
Drift into sleep, my dear.

In your dreams, you must look
    up the starry sky
I'll be floating in the clouds
    waving with a smile
Can you see me?

Now take my hand in yours
    lets dance through the night
With true love in our hearts
    and the stars in our eyes
Just you and I.

Thoughts in a tea cup

(A poem inspired by the beautiful image above...)

The sun rises lazily over the eastern hills
A cool breeze wafts in ever so gently
Carrying with it the fresh scent of earth
And of fragrant spring flowers in bloom

We sit around a table outside our home
In the green valley between majestic hills
The wicker chairs are wet with the morning dew
Greetings are spoken, we pour out the tea
And caress the warm cups with our cold hands
Conversations flow, as we sip the brew, slowly...

I feel a sudden rush of warmth deep in my being
Is it from the ginger root steeped in the tea
Or from the sun that is now well over the hills?
Or from the love I am surrounded by this morning
From three generations of my family around the table?

Tomorrow, we will all be gone our separate ways
To chase our dreams, to fulfill our duties
But I wonder if someone can tell me this:
How much ginger in the brew, and how much sun
Would I need to feel this warmth again
When I sip tea all by myself, someplace far far away?

A lonely rooster cries a sad note from somewhere
And brings me back to the present moment
I hear the end of grandma's joke, and laugh along
I mustn't wander off in my thoughts, I tell myself
I must hold on to these precious moments now...

Every story being shared, every tease, every wink
The sound of laughter, of love, of the birds singing
The scents of the tea, of fresh earth, of flowers
The cool breeze on my face, the crisp chill in the air
The slanting rays of the sun, the dampness of the dew
The feeling of grandma's wrinkly hand over mine
The warm golden glow that washes over us all...

Monday, July 22, 2024

Why would she?

The storms of life, the plays of destiny
She faces them head on with a heart of steel
Stand tall in the lashing rain do the trees
They never cower and hide, so why would she?

When she does fall, she does so with grace
With a tired yet hopeful smile on her face
A jasmine flower fallen at the foot of the tree
Doesn't lose its fragrance, so why would she?

She wears with pride the scars on her skin
Whether from the battles she did lose or win
Dark stripes on gold do not mar her beauty
A tigress doesn't mind them, so why would she?

Some lessons she learns, but some she won't
She lives her life on terms of her own
No matter where it goes, the wild wild breeze
Never thinks it is lost, so why would she? 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The moon's monologue

Poets on earth sing paeans to my beauty
Basking in my cool rays
Little do they know the pain that sears me
Or the angst that fills my days

Many moons ago, she was a part of my soul
The beautiful, undulating sea
She'd fill my emptiness and make me whole
In her embrace I'd feel complete

But she was lost to me by a cruel mischance
We are but pawns of destiny
All I have left are dry ravines where once
Her fingers used to caress me

She now consorts with the blue-green earth
A lover, perhaps, more worthy
For, together the marvel of life they've birthed
Oh, look at their fecundity!

I stand alone in the cold nothingness
As self-doubt chokes me tight
A celestial impostor, a pock-marked mess
I only glow in borrowed light

Many times, I yearn for a glimpse of her
And earthwards I turn my gaze
I expect she won't make time for this lover
As she mothers her playful waves

But tonight, the earth is in a deep slumber
And the waves perfectly still
So I am gifted a sublime moment with her
As if by divine will

With loving tenderness, she draws me near
Into her warm embrace
In the heart of her waters, calm and clear,
Is a perfect reflection of my face

I drown in her love, it is boundless and deep
And unchanged by our time apart
I am no worthless rock, for she sees in me
A luminous king of the stars

I hold back tears as she now whispers
These words that touch my soul
"You are worth all this love, my dear,
 You are worth so much more"

Monday, July 1, 2024

The taste of you

An enigmatic floral note in my glass of wine
That barely touched my palate, but lingers in my mind

A boisterious and endearing pint of hard beer 
That gives me a high, brings laughter and cheer

The mysterious and warm-scented vanilla bean
That pervades my senses, though hardly seen

A humble bowl of vegetable with piping hot rice
That fills me all up and makes me warm inside

A scoop of frozen icecream, hard, cold, and distant
That turns tender at my touch, melts in an instant

A soft sponge cake, sweet and pleasant to taste
Despite the hours it spent in the oven being baked

A drop of wrinkled pickle tucked on the side
That packs years of wisdom in one stinging bite

Clear tasteless water, an inseparable part of me
Take it away for a moment, and I will cease to be

When I hunger for you on a long lonely night
How do you think you taste to my craving mind?