Sunday, July 14, 2024

The moon's monologue

Poets on earth sing paeans to my beauty
Basking in my cool rays
Little do they know the pain that sears me
Or the angst that fills my days

Many moons ago, she was a part of my soul
The beautiful, undulating sea
She'd fill my emptiness and make me whole
In her embrace I'd feel complete

But she was lost to me by a cruel mischance
We are but pawns of destiny
All I have left are dry ravines where once
Her fingers used to caress me

She now consorts with the blue-green earth
A lover, perhaps, more worthy
For, together the marvel of life they've birthed
Oh, look at their fecundity!

I stand alone in the cold nothingness
As self-doubt chokes me tight
A celestial impostor, a pock-marked mess
I only glow in borrowed light

Many times, I yearn for a glimpse of her
And earthwards I turn my gaze
I expect she won't make time for this lover
As she mothers her playful waves

But tonight, the earth is in a deep slumber
And the waves perfectly still
So I am gifted a sublime moment with her
As if by divine will

With loving tenderness, she draws me near
Into her warm embrace
In the heart of her waters, calm and clear,
Is a perfect reflection of my face

I drown in her love, it is boundless and deep
And unchanged by our time apart
I am no worthless rock, for she sees in me
A luminous king of the stars

I hold back tears as she now whispers
These words that touch my soul
"You are worth all this love, my dear,
 You are worth so much more"

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