Monday, July 1, 2024

The taste of you

An enigmatic floral note in my glass of wine
That barely touched my palate, but lingers in my mind

A boisterious and endearing pint of hard beer 
That gives me a high, brings laughter and cheer

The mysterious and warm-scented vanilla bean
That pervades my senses, though hardly seen

A humble bowl of vegetable with piping hot rice
That fills me all up and makes me warm inside

A scoop of frozen icecream, hard, cold, and distant
That turns tender at my touch, melts in an instant

A soft sponge cake, sweet and pleasant to taste
Despite the hours it spent in the oven being baked

A drop of wrinkled pickle tucked on the side
That packs years of wisdom in one stinging bite

Clear tasteless water, an inseparable part of me
Take it away for a moment, and I will cease to be

When I hunger for you on a long lonely night
How do you think you taste to my craving mind?

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