Thursday, November 16, 2017

Wedding Vows

They say life is a roller coaster ride
With many ups and downs along the way
Some falls, I may be able to save you from
But some I cannot, try as hard as I may
I cannot promise the ride will be smooth
But I promise to hold your hand all through

They say two people cannot always agree
Raised as we are with different faiths and views
Sometimes, we may listen to the other and change ourselves
But sometimes, we may do what the other doesn't want us to
I cannot promise to do all that you ask me to
But I promise to always do what I think is good for you

They say the path of life has many forks
Which path to take, we have many choices to make
Sometimes we may follow the same path, holding hands
But sometimes, we may choose to walk along different paths
I cannot promise to be with you every step of the way
But I promise we will be back together at the end of every day

In every healthy relationship, including marriage, it is always good to know what you can promise, and even better to know what you cannot.