Saturday, September 28, 2024


To see the order of natural laws
In the apparent chaos of the universe
And dervishes dancing on ellipses
In the wayward paths of the "wanderers"

To see the beauty of restrained passion
When a diffident flower waits for her bee
And in the tango of a couple's daily grind
A tender and touching love story

To see in the ebbs and tides of life
The balance and harmony of nature's flow
And the withered leaves that fall and die 
As one with the green shoots that grow

To see a palace of fulfilled dreams
In the bricks and stones of youthful hope
And a liberated soul in the lost monk
Who wanders, not knowing where he goes

To see a sublime Truth in imperfect words
Of the canon from which the pastor drones
To see thus is to truly see, my friend
The rest is just light on rods and cones

Friday, September 27, 2024

A dream

Last night I dreamt I lived a life
In the mountains someplace far away
A place where time moved so slow
I saw eternity in a single day

I was woken in the lap of the earth
By the misty whispers of the dawn
I filled my breath with the crispy air
And my soul with a sweet birdie's song

I spent my day walking the woods
On paths untouched by the guile of men
I tended to those around, in turn
They sustained me, made me one of them

At dusk, I sat by the mountainside
And watched the golden sun dim away
With it they went, the cares of my mind
For I hadn't paid heed to them all day

As the stars began to dot the sky
A quiet joy twinkled in my mind
I turned to you, and took your hand
We danced to the silence of the night

You, who knew the depths of my soul
So words unspoken were understood
You, whose company was just almost
As intoxicating as solitude

But now in the warmth of the morning sun
I watch you and the mountains melt away
I wake up from the truth of my dreams
To live a life of lies for another day

Saturday, September 7, 2024

I wait

The skies are grey, the thoughts blue
The cold night brings in a pall of gloom
I wait for the warmth of the sun at dawn
I wait for the joy in the morning song

The trees droop under the weight of snow
A seed lies cold under the frost below
I wait for the bright green shoots of spring
I wait for hope and a new beginning 

The cruel summer has cast a dry spell
No water trickles up the village well
I wait for the rains to drench the earth
I wait for the wells to quench our thirst

My heart, it pines for its kindred soul
But fate has cast you to distant shores
I wait to hold you close, share your pain
I wait to drown in your laughter again

Some dreams are not meant to be chased
Some pangs must be borne with silent grace
Let life pass you by, as you stand still
Watching Fate unfold the tapestry of Her will 

For the warmth of the morning sun I yearn
I wait for the tides and seasons to turn
I wait to be washed by the first drops of rain
I wait for the day I will see you again

I wait...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The child

Who do I see, my dear, by your side
A little boy, perhaps no older than five
For the light of the heavens he was born with
Has not yet faded from his innocent eyes

I draw him into a tender embrace
He fills my heart with his happy smile
I feel a love that brooks no limits
As the love of a mother for her child

He regales me with his funny tales
And frolics around in playful mirth
He floats to the sky in a bubble of joy
That no rule nor duty tethers to earth

He brings to me his little trophies
With a smug yet demure look in his eye
He shows me his scraped elbows and knees
From when he fell but was too proud to cry

After my balm of calm solace
He rests in my lap, cares left behind
As I watch him nap, I feel blessed to have
Earned the affection of a blameless mind

Soon, life beckons, and he scampers away
To hide in a crevice of your adult mind
I wonder when I will see him again
That golden little drop of sunshine

The (inner) child