Saturday, September 7, 2024

I wait

The skies are grey, the thoughts blue
The cold night brings in a pall of gloom
I wait for the warmth of the sun at dawn
I wait for the joy in the morning song

The trees droop under the weight of snow
A seed lies cold under the frost below
I wait for the bright green shoots of spring
I wait for hope and a new beginning 

The cruel summer has cast a dry spell
No water trickles up the village well
I wait for the rains to drench the earth
I wait for the wells to quench our thirst

My heart, it pines for its kindred soul
But fate has cast you to distant shores
I wait to hold you close, share your pain
I wait to drown in your laughter again

Some dreams are not meant to be chased
Some pangs must be borne with silent grace
Let life pass you by, as you stand still
Watching Fate unfold the tapestry of Her will 

For the warmth of the morning sun I yearn
I wait for the tides and seasons to turn
I wait to be washed by the first drops of rain
I wait for the day I will see you again

I wait...

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