Saturday, September 28, 2024


To see the order of natural laws
In the apparent chaos of the universe
And dervishes dancing on ellipses
In the wayward paths of the "wanderers"

To see the beauty of restrained passion
When a diffident flower waits for her bee
And in the tango of a couple's daily grind
A tender and touching love story

To see in the ebbs and tides of life
The balance and harmony of nature's flow
And the withered leaves that fall and die 
As one with the green shoots that grow

To see a palace of fulfilled dreams
In the bricks and stones of youthful hope
And a liberated soul in the lost monk
Who wanders, not knowing where he goes

To see a sublime Truth in imperfect words
Of the canon from which the pastor drones
To see thus is to truly see, my friend
The rest is just light on rods and cones

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