Monday, December 16, 2024


A golden drop of dew on a summer morn
Melts as it meets the warm rays of the sun
Light as air, the fluffy flakes of snow
Crumble at the touch of a mortal soul
Only until dawn does the night jasmine bloom
With a heady scent, to serenade the silver moon
The innocent joy that twinkles in the eyes of a child
Like the bright green of spring, is soon lost to time
And the love that binds two minds in sweet ecstasy
Lasts but for a moment, though boundless as the sea

Why does it so pine, the human heart of glass
Forevermore for fleeting beauty that never lasts?
Do not the Gods themselves say "Nothing Gold Can Stay"?
Does heaven bestow its grace only on things that fade away?
Why do we tie our joy to ephemera that are lost
In the quicksands of time, is it the curse of our lot?
Would we feel the same love for a tender flower 
If it were carved of steel, could live on forever?
Do we cherish the little baubles that will perish one day
Only to rebel against the sureness of death and decay?

("Nothing Gold Can Stay" is a famous poem by Robert Frost.)

Sunday, December 8, 2024


Light is her hand on the reins of life
As she rides to shape her destiny
She never endeavours to bend her fate
Towards paths that aren't meant to be

Light is her foot as she glides through life
In an elegant waltz, soaking in the view
She minds not the roads she does not find
For she is bound to this earth by desires few

Light is her heart, it quivers and sways
When it feels another's pleasure and pain
She cries when the sky is grey with gloom
She dances with joy in the pouring rain

Light is her mind that has shed its past
Of searing scars and sad laments
She floats unmoored on seas of bliss
With nary a weight but the present moment

Light is the laugh on her tender lips
That rest on her calm and placid face
For she knows, no matter what the ills
The world is still a beautiful place

Light is her grief when misery strikes
She falls as a feather, with poise and grace
And wrapped in the warmth of her solitude
She waits for the breeze from a happy place

Light is her soul, it soars as a bird
On wings of reason in boundless skies
No rules nor mores can bind her down
For she heeds no one but her inner voice

The light of the heavens it is, perhaps,
That twinkles in her dark deep eyes
For, a lightness of being has come over me
From the moment she's walked into my life

Saturday, November 16, 2024

An October Morning

After a summer when the sun-kissed earth
Sprung to life, looking green and gay
But before she mourns her fallen leaves
Wearing a snowy veil of dowager grey
Comes an October morning...

The soft warm rays of the golden sun
Rise slowly up from over the hills
And bring a drop of joy, a tinge of heat
To gently nip at the morning chill

Pearls of dew shine on pretty blooms
And on luscious fruit that are just ripe
A fawn awakens with the zest of youth
A bird takes off in the clear blue sky

As life glides through the seasons, come
These times of balance and harmony
I sense perfection, unseen moments ago
And that, moments later, may cease to be

Like the fleeting instant of centered peace
As a pendulum sways from side to side
I feel a stillness, a glimpse of eternity
Between the ebbs and tides of flowing time
This October morning...

Thursday, November 7, 2024


Can a tender stalk muster strength
  to stand upright in the rain?
In a just war bravely fought and lost
  is the valor spent in vain?
What salve can soothe the gentle heart's
  deep memories of pain?
Can a broken thread ever feel
  unbroken and whole again?

Who forgives you for falling short
  of the bar that you have set?
Should a rolling stone that crushes ants
  feel a modicum of regret?
A true love that wasn't meant to be
  can you ever forget?
Does nature abhor a peaceful race
  of quiescent minds at rest?

Saturday, October 19, 2024


If we know a river must run her course
Along paths she is impelled by gravity
And sprinkle upon them her life force
Before she finds her stillness at sea

If we know a child must go out to play
Run wild in the sun and skin his knees
Before he can lie down at the end of day
On his mother's bosom in a restful sleep

Why then do we think we can still our mind
By holding it back, hushing its inner voice
That speaks of desires held deep inside
Which lead us on paths of pain and joy?

Should we not instead let ourselves go
Floating like a leaf in destiny's breeze?
Rise and fall with the tides of the flow
While trusting the river to find the sea?

Bless me, Mother, with strength and faith
So I may give myself up to the breeze
And leave no urge unmet, no debt unpaid
As I walk on the paths of my destiny

When the time is right, may I land gently
At your feet, a tired yet content child
And rest forever in silent peace
As the calm deep sea on a windless night

Thursday, October 3, 2024



(The "stargazer" lily is named so because the flowers do not face down like those of other varieties of the lily, but instead, look up to the "stars".)

She bides her time with fortitude
Through the winter months of snow
Come spring and the warm rays of sun
She puts out green shoots to grow

She stands tall on her tender stalk
And even though her feet are tied
She looks up with hope to the stars
With the joy of the heavens in her eyes

Her delicate petals of crimson pink
Embrace the world with such gaiety
That brooks no fear of being hurt
By the sharp edge of nature's cruelty

Her subtle fragrance and heady charm
Linger around, do not waft too far
But those that come sit by her side
Are forever held in her thrall

Someday, she gently quivers and falls
For she knows when her time is spent
And as lightly as she walked in life
So she glides to its peaceful end

As I see this beautiful life
Of silent strength and elegant grace
I cannot believe She that made her
Also sculpted our human race

Saturday, September 28, 2024


To see the order of natural laws
In the apparent chaos of the universe
And dervishes dancing on ellipses
In the wayward paths of the "wanderers"

To see the beauty of restrained passion
When a diffident flower waits for her bee
And in the tango of a couple's daily grind
A tender and touching love story

To see in the ebbs and tides of life
The balance and harmony of nature's flow
And the withered leaves that fall and die 
As one with the green shoots that grow

To see a palace of fulfilled dreams
In the bricks and stones of youthful hope
And a liberated soul in the lost monk
Who wanders, not knowing where he goes

To see a sublime Truth in imperfect words
Of the canon from which the pastor drones
To see thus is to truly see, my friend
The rest is just light on rods and cones

Friday, September 27, 2024

A dream

Last night I dreamt I lived a life
In the mountains someplace far away
A place where time moved so slow
I saw eternity in a single day

I was woken in the lap of the earth
By the misty whispers of the dawn
I filled my breath with the crispy air
And my soul with a sweet birdie's song

I spent my day walking the woods
On paths untouched by the guile of men
I tended to those around, in turn
They sustained me, made me one of them

At dusk, I sat by the mountainside
And watched the golden sun dim away
With it they went, the cares of my mind
For I hadn't paid heed to them all day

As the stars began to dot the sky
A quiet joy twinkled in my mind
I turned to you, and took your hand
We danced to the silence of the night

You, who knew the depths of my soul
So words unspoken were understood
You, whose company was just almost
As intoxicating as solitude

But now in the warmth of the morning sun
I watch you and the mountains melt away
I wake up from the truth of my dreams
To live a life of lies for another day

Saturday, September 7, 2024

I wait

The skies are grey, the thoughts blue
The cold night brings in a pall of gloom
I wait for the warmth of the sun at dawn
I wait for the joy in the morning song

The trees droop under the weight of snow
A seed lies cold under the frost below
I wait for the bright green shoots of spring
I wait for hope and a new beginning 

The cruel summer has cast a dry spell
No water trickles up the village well
I wait for the rains to drench the earth
I wait for the wells to quench our thirst

My heart, it pines for its kindred soul
But fate has cast you to distant shores
I wait to hold you close, share your pain
I wait to drown in your laughter again

Some dreams are not meant to be chased
Some pangs must be borne with silent grace
Let life pass you by, as you stand still
Watching Fate unfold the tapestry of Her will 

For the warmth of the morning sun I yearn
I wait for the tides and seasons to turn
I wait to be washed by the first drops of rain
I wait for the day I will see you again

I wait...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The child

Who do I see, my dear, by your side
A little boy, perhaps no older than five
For the light of the heavens he was born with
Has not yet faded from his innocent eyes

I draw him into a tender embrace
He fills my heart with his happy smile
I feel a love that brooks no limits
As the love of a mother for her child

He regales me with his funny tales
And frolics around in playful mirth
He floats to the sky in a bubble of joy
That no rule nor duty tethers to earth

He brings to me his little trophies
With a smug yet demure look in his eye
He shows me his scraped elbows and knees
From when he fell but was too proud to cry

After my balm of calm solace
He rests in my lap, cares left behind
As I watch him nap, I feel blessed to have
Earned the affection of a blameless mind

Soon, life beckons, and he scampers away
To hide in a crevice of your adult mind
I wonder when I will see him again
That golden little drop of sunshine

The (inner) child

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Things not found in nature

A bird soaring high in skies of blue
That is confused about which way to fly
And stops at every imagined fork to rue
The paths it chose that weren't right

A deer that strolls through lush meadows
Worried that it is just twiddling toes
It ponders on life's purpose and goal
And wonders if it should strive for more

A lion that kills a thousand prey
When all it can eat is but just one
And carefully stashes the rest away
Saving it for the generations to come

A honey bee that one day stops drinking
Its sweet nectar laced with morning dew
And walks out its hive in protest thinking
It is being denied the credit that is due

A tree that knows not the time of year
To sprout bright flowers or luscious fruit
For every fallen leaf, sheds a copious tear 
And honors its memory with an ornate tomb

A delicate lily and a golden butterfly
That moan their fleeting lives on a sunny day
And concoct theories of heaven and afterlife
To keep the fear of death at bay

A man that hears the harmony
In the silent melody of nature's song
And knowing his place in the rhapsody
Strikes the perfect note to sing along

Things Not Found in Nature.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The best swimmer

Many swimmers cross the river I see yonder
But to what end they swim so hard I ponder
And now that the time for me to swim has come
I wonder which of them I should be learning from

Is it the one who swims to distant shores the fastest?
Or the one who reaches across waters the farthest?
The one that always chooses to swim against the tide
Flailing arms and legs around with Herculean might?

But none impresses me more than this swimmer I see
Who has the aura of a monk meditating in peace
Wisely she surrenders to the flow of the stream
And swims as effortlessly as walking in a dream

She moves with grace, there is no splash nor sound
She is barely seen, she is one with the water around
She slices the surface with strokes clean and precise
And the river opens to her like butter under a knife

She doesn't resist but rides out the undulating waves
With the poise of a person standing steady in place
She treads the dark waters with a calm serene smile
Born in a heart full of joy and a clear quiescient mind

As she swims, not caring for clocking the miles
But only to push and glide, one breath at a time
It has now become clear as a summer's day to me -
When I swim this River of Life, that is how I must be

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A magical night

The bright leaves of autumn
    orange and red
In the lap of earth, they have
    laid out a bed
For you. Come, lie down.

A cool breeze from the hills 
    gently wafts in
Bringing with it the scent
    of sweet jasmine
To caress your soul.

And it carries up its wings
    on its way out
The burdens you bear which were
    never really yours
Just let them all go.

A little bird on your shoulder
    has come over to whisper
A silly joke in your ear to make
    a hearty smile appear
On your beautiful face.

A silver feather glides over
    and softly lingers
Over your eyelids, as if stroking
    with its smooth fingers
Your tired eyes shut.

Soon the sun takes your leave
    in the western sky
Pulls down the golden blinds
    turns out all the lights
As he tiptoes away. 

The dark soothing stillness
    of the tender night
Like a warm cozy blanket
    wraps around you tight
Drift into sleep, my dear.

In your dreams, you must look
    up the starry sky
I'll be floating in the clouds
    waving with a smile
Can you see me?

Now take my hand in yours
    lets dance through the night
With true love in our hearts
    and the stars in our eyes
Just you and I.

Thoughts in a tea cup

(A poem inspired by the beautiful image above...)

The sun rises lazily over the eastern hills
A cool breeze wafts in ever so gently
Carrying with it the fresh scent of earth
And of fragrant spring flowers in bloom

We sit around a table outside our home
In the green valley between majestic hills
The wicker chairs are wet with the morning dew
Greetings are spoken, we pour out the tea
And caress the warm cups with our cold hands
Conversations flow, as we sip the brew, slowly...

I feel a sudden rush of warmth deep in my being
Is it from the ginger root steeped in the tea
Or from the sun that is now well over the hills?
Or from the love I am surrounded by this morning
From three generations of my family around the table?

Tomorrow, we will all be gone our separate ways
To chase our dreams, to fulfill our duties
But I wonder if someone can tell me this:
How much ginger in the brew, and how much sun
Would I need to feel this warmth again
When I sip tea all by myself, someplace far far away?

A lonely rooster cries a sad note from somewhere
And brings me back to the present moment
I hear the end of grandma's joke, and laugh along
I mustn't wander off in my thoughts, I tell myself
I must hold on to these precious moments now...

Every story being shared, every tease, every wink
The sound of laughter, of love, of the birds singing
The scents of the tea, of fresh earth, of flowers
The cool breeze on my face, the crisp chill in the air
The slanting rays of the sun, the dampness of the dew
The feeling of grandma's wrinkly hand over mine
The warm golden glow that washes over us all...

Monday, July 22, 2024

Why would she?

The storms of life, the plays of destiny
She faces them head on with a heart of steel
Stand tall in the lashing rain do the trees
They never cower and hide, so why would she?

When she does fall, she does so with grace
With a tired yet hopeful smile on her face
A jasmine flower fallen at the foot of the tree
Doesn't lose its fragrance, so why would she?

She wears with pride the scars on her skin
Whether from the battles she did lose or win
Dark stripes on gold do not mar her beauty
A tigress doesn't mind them, so why would she?

Some lessons she learns, but some she won't
She lives her life on terms of her own
No matter where it goes, the wild wild breeze
Never thinks it is lost, so why would she? 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The moon's monologue

Poets on earth sing paeans to my beauty
Basking in my cool rays
Little do they know the pain that sears me
Or the angst that fills my days

Many moons ago, she was a part of my soul
The beautiful, undulating sea
She'd fill my emptiness and make me whole
In her embrace I'd feel complete

But she was lost to me by a cruel mischance
We are but pawns of destiny
All I have left are dry ravines where once
Her fingers used to caress me

She now consorts with the blue-green earth
A lover, perhaps, more worthy
For, together the marvel of life they've birthed
Oh, look at their fecundity!

I stand alone in the cold nothingness
As self-doubt chokes me tight
A celestial impostor, a pock-marked mess
I only glow in borrowed light

Many times, I yearn for a glimpse of her
And earthwards I turn my gaze
I expect she won't make time for this lover
As she mothers her playful waves

But tonight, the earth is in a deep slumber
And the waves perfectly still
So I am gifted a sublime moment with her
As if by divine will

With loving tenderness, she draws me near
Into her warm embrace
In the heart of her waters, calm and clear,
Is a perfect reflection of my face

I drown in her love, it is boundless and deep
And unchanged by our time apart
I am no worthless rock, for she sees in me
A luminous king of the stars

I hold back tears as she now whispers
These words that touch my soul
"You are worth all this love, my dear,
 You are worth so much more"

Monday, July 1, 2024

The taste of you

An enigmatic floral note in my glass of wine
That barely touched my palate, but lingers in my mind

A boisterious and endearing pint of hard beer 
That gives me a high, brings laughter and cheer

The mysterious and warm-scented vanilla bean
That pervades my senses, though hardly seen

A humble bowl of vegetable with piping hot rice
That fills me all up and makes me warm inside

A scoop of frozen icecream, hard, cold, and distant
That turns tender at my touch, melts in an instant

A soft sponge cake, sweet and pleasant to taste
Despite the hours it spent in the oven being baked

A drop of wrinkled pickle tucked on the side
That packs years of wisdom in one stinging bite

Clear tasteless water, an inseparable part of me
Take it away for a moment, and I will cease to be

When I hunger for you on a long lonely night
How do you think you taste to my craving mind?

Sunday, June 30, 2024

A walk in the woods

The sky is awash with a golden glow
I step in the woods for my evening stroll
I ramble along the trails tree-lined
With no destination or pursuit in mind

I sway to the nightingale's lilting tunes
Alongside the trees and flowers in bloom
I drift and float on the gentle breeze 
Like dainty butterflies and falling leaves

I pass by a fawn and its mother deer
Playing on a green patch without fear
I feed it some grass I plucked on the way
And watch in content as it chomps it away

On some turns I lose the trail I'm on
And land in a bramble bush of thorn
But the way back always finds me somehow
The pain of the prick never lasts long

Through paths that wind with elegant grace
Around the woods like delicate lace
My feet are led in such an easy glide
That I am unaware of the passing time

Now the sun has set, my breath heavy
I finally sit down to rest my feet
I then realize that I'm not far gone
From the very place where I had begun

I smile with joy as I close my eyes
And the evening flashes through my mind
A serene peace fills my heaving breath
I hope I feel the same on my death bed

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Walking on eggshells

A harmless tease, an innocuous joke
Or a good-natured, albeit ill-timed, poke
Is all it takes for our egos to bruise
Why this offense at the slightest excuse?

I surmise (though there is no way to tell)
We were born wrapped in an invisible shell
That broke apart as we grew from within
Exposing to the world our very thin skin

No shell to shield, the fragile egos bleed
And the smallest of nicks takes years to heal
Worse, we do not even clean up the mess
Forever we must walk on these broken shells

Monday, May 20, 2024


Across the hall, you see me and smile
The joy of the heavens is in your eyes
As my heart leaps out toward your feet
I realize you are far beyond my reach

For I see the distance that lies ahead
The miles and miles of words unsaid
Words that, had propriety let me speak
Would've told you what you mean to me

And strewn along those unspoken miles
An intense love from the depths of my mind
That I've not yet had the courage to feel
For fear I'll drown and gasp to breathe

So I pull my heart back just in time
And greet you only with a stoic smile
You walk away like the sun at the end of day
As I watch you from the twilight miles away

Saturday, April 20, 2024


The parched earth pants in the heat of pent-up desire
Under a canopy of palaash, their pining hearts on fire
The heady fragrance of jasmine and luscious summer fruits
Stokes flames of passion in the musk-scented woods
Long sweltering days end in warm sleepless nights
Filled with tender dreams where longing lovers unite
In a burst of joyous tears on a blessed rainy day
As the many months of yearning melt in a gentle embrace
The sweet reverie is broken by a silent whisper of dawn
And a fleeting bliss wafts in with the cool breeze of morn
But soon the day smoulders under the dour unforgiving sun
And awaits the coming of grey clouds that presage a union
Through aching days, dreamy nights, and burning moments of pain
I wait for you, my love, as the summer waits for her rain

Friday, April 12, 2024

The Ship of Theseus

I am at a place that's close to my heart
The street that I grew up on as a child
The old dust of feelings forgotten
Is raked up as memories run wild

Here is where my house it stood
I played with friends in that park
A block away was the ice cream parlor
To where we'd sneak out after dark

This corner on rainy mornings
My mother and I awaited the bus
And here was where my friends and I
Would hide to peek at my first crush

But my home or park, parlor or corner
Not one of those remains anymore
So I wonder why I call it my street
Like the Ship of Theseus in the Greek lore

Perhaps, I can't say I've lived here either 
For our cells, they renew every seven years
So if I'm not that person, this isn't my street
Why do I stand here welled up with tears?


From Wikipedia: The Ship of Theseus, also known as Theseus's Paradox, is a thought experiment and paradox about whether an object is the same object after having had all of its original components replaced over time, typically one after the other.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

A noble soul

In my garden this morning I realize
The universe has many a noble soul
You need look no further for proof 
Than to my humble shrub of rose

She had great fortitude to bear 
In silence the harsh winter months
Come spring, the only food she gets
Are vegetable rinds and rotten humus

But she bears no ill will toward me 
No matter what things at her I throw
She greets me with a smile this morning
Holding in her hand a beautiful rose!


By man's hunger for power are many
Civilizations laid to waste
By his lust for love are relationships
Made and broken in haste

His hunger for wealth, it sows
Discord in a warm hearth
In our thirst for knowledge, do we
Plunder the pristine earth

Lucky then, that woman on the road
With a wailing infant on her breast
Doesn't have the will to hunger for
Anything more than a loaf of bread

Out of phase

We stand together on the ocean shore
The evening is awash in a golden glow
We watch the waves put up a splendid show
Oh, why would the heart want anything more? 

At a distance, one wave begins to rise
Her crest adorned with a smile of glee
She feels one with the limitless sea
A surge of joy lifts her to the sky

Closer by, another wave hits the beach
Bearing a load of unreasonable hope
Alas, he is broken by the rocky shore
And he washes back dejected to the sea

As he recedes, he meets the rising tide
His force brings her happy flight to rest
He doesn't mean to, but breaks her crest
Into the bitter foam of a broken smile

They wash to the sea and rise as waves
She leaps forth again to kiss the sky
He wants to fly with her, share her joy
But yet again, they are out of phase

As they rise and fall forever in agony
She wonders what pleasure He finds
In pairing things of opposite kinds
She smiles at His sense of irony

We silently stare at these waves from the shore
And watch our friends frolick in the sand
Lost in your thoughts, you hold my hand
Oh, but why does my heart want something more?

Sunday, April 7, 2024


After a stroll in the garden one fine evening
I lie in your lap under a moonlit sky 
I look at you and feel such a lightness of being
A sweet poem flows from the depths of my mind

Then I imagine a man thousands of years ago
Who after a day in the woods hunting big game
Would've expressed his joy at being back home
By grunting a few times to his voluptuous dame

Aren't we glad for beautiful words in our time
That draw out our sublime threads of thought
Into the loom of language with the warp of rhyme
And weave exquisite poems of silken cloth?

Would you have known the depth of my devotion
Had I grunted a bit instead of singing a poem?
Would my mind have birthed the finer emotions
Without the trellis of words to support them?

Then I find you looking at me with such tenderness
As you run your fingers through my hair in a caress
I see in your eyes that there is nothing else
You want more in this world than my happiness

I drown in your love, you haven't said a word yet
Let alone weave a baroque poem 
Oh, true feelings of the heart are perhaps felt
No matter how or whether you say them

Saturday, April 6, 2024


It has not been very many days 
Since I was kissed by warm ocean waves
But my tired mind, like a broken pail
Hasn't held on to the joy of a single wave

Poured into me are rivers of love
From my kith and kin and the Gods above
But my heart is like a broken pot
Even a drop of that I can now feel not

Much have I tasted the Lady Luck's kiss
But why do I still feel something's amiss?
No winds of hope can lift my broken wings
Oh, why is my soul made of such broken things?

Were we once part of a beautiful whole
That was then taken apart, soul by soul
And strewn across the earth in a jumbled mess?
Is that why we feel this incompleteness?
Perhaps that is why we seek new things and places
We search for friends among strange faces
We yearn for the thing that will make us whole
But only a fortunate few find that kindred soul

Who walks into our lives when the time is right
Like a drop of the sun that makes all things bright
Who brings to our lives the balance we need
And a breeze that makes us float carefree

Who fills our hearts with unbounded joy
And gives us wings so our dreams can fly
Who sees into our souls beyond the skin
Whose touch awakens the child within

When they hold us close, promise to never let go
The nomad in us feels he is finally home
When they hear our words that are never spoken
That is when we become truly unbroken

A soulmate, for many, is an unending quest
But if we cease, the heart is never quite at rest
The yearning, the seeking, and the joy of becoming
One with the other, is it the purpose of our being?

Perhaps we are pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
That our maker breaks and rebuilds for his thrill
The lucky amongst us, wedged in place, feel complete
Whilst the rest of us search for our matching piece

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


She walked into my life like a sunrise
This beautiful damsel called Yesterday
Her body was sensual as a moonlit night
Her smile as radiant as a summer's day

Her silken robe woven of the fabric of Time
Was studded with moments of pleasure and pain
When I tugged at the robe to draw her nigh 
The fine cloth, from my hand, it'd slip away

She walked by me till dusk from dawn
We danced together, sang a wild song
When the night in bed we spent in thrall
The love was savored, never rushed along

That one tender night and she was gone
Before my thirst for her could slake
All I am left with are some beads of her gown -
Moments of smiling joy and silent ache

Monday, March 25, 2024

A vine and a tree

A gardener once placed a small ivy
In the earth next to a sapling tree
Entwined thus, they grew up together
He a tall tree, and she a vine slender

He never saw her as a burden to bear
On his rough bark did no leaf of her tear
He gave her a perch from where she could see
The world around and beyond, to infinity

She was the witness to his life's story
To his tales of sorrow and small glory
She shared with him his every breath
She gave him solace, as he gave her strength

One day, as the vine looked up tenderly
"Is this what they call love?" asked her the tree
She said,  "I know not, my dear, but this is true,
I do not know who I am without you"

Friday, March 22, 2024

Just a sprinkle

A shrub of night queen in a corner
Fills the street with heady fragrance
A sliver of a sun ray is all it takes
For life to burst forth in abundance

Just a shaving of fresh ginger root
Adds vigor to my morning chai
A pinch of fairy dust in Neverland
Sends the pixies flying to the sky

No wonder then, a scent of your charm
A whiff of your wit, or a hint of a smile
A sprinkle of you is all I need
To make my day sparkle and shine

Be Human

Let us be a lotus leaf in a pond
Impervious to the wetness around
But let us not forget the joy of being
Drenched by the rain when it pours down

Let us be the candle in a windless room
That glows with a steady unflinching flame
But let us not forget that flames do flicker
When facing gales that are hard to tame

Let us be like the ocean that stays
Unfazed as mighty rivers drain in
But let us not forget that gentle waves
Arise on its surface despite the calm within 
Let us be like a monk who can sit all day
Alone in a cave, wanting next to nothing
But let us not forget that destiny stokes
Desires in us so we may do His bidding

Let us be that person whom pleasure and pain
Visit not long, nor touch too deep
But let us not forget, some scars are for life
And some joys can sweep us off our feet

Let us follow the path laid out by the wise
To lead us all from darkness to light
But let us not forget, some paths are such
We must lose our way before we arrive

We each have in us a drop of the divine
That we must, no doubt, in earnest, seek
But as we strive to reach Him, let us not forget
To embrace the human He made us to be

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

A barren tree

What a beautiful sight, the arrival of spring!
It was a festive mood in my backyard this morning
Trees dressed up in fresh leaves so green
Showing off their flowers to the birds and bees
New life bursting forth everywhere I see
Except for a corner, where stood a barren tree

A childless woman in a park, she stood alone
Among trees bearing flowers, with none of her own
But of bitterness or envy I saw no trace
Arms raised upwards, she still prayed for grace
She would beget life soon, unshaken was her faith
In her heart filled with hope, grief found no place

A little bird stopped by, chirped with curiosity
"Where are your flowers?", it asked innocently
If the words pricked the tree, she showed no sign
She spoke to the bird with the most gentle smile
"Tomorrow, my dear, new flowers you will see
Where there is love, life will find a way to be"

Then the wind came by, blew a joke in the breeze
And the tree laughed heartily, swaying with ease
I wondered, for a tree left barren in spring
Whence comes peace, such lightness of being?
What fortitude brings such calm acceptance
Of the vagaries of nature, of life's randomness?

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Passing by

We crossed each other on the street today
At first, I had my face turned the other way
But I knew it was you, I had no doubt
I could pick your perfume even in a crowd
I turned to see, you had almost passed me by
We only had time for a quick nod and smile
Your smile was cold like the rays of the moon
It wasn't the sunshine I was used to
Your face didn't glow like a lotus in bloom
It was closed up like a bud in the morning dew
Your eyes missed the spark that would light up my soul
Today they were just embers that had turned cold
Your nod felt like you had a cup on your head
Poison to the brim, that if spilt, would've left you dead
Was it the same cup, when you and I would embrace
That would overflow with joy and drench your face?
If your face and smile are not what they used to be
Perhaps the fault lies with my memory
I forget that you aren't just the love of my life
You walked the street today as someone else's wife

An autumn leaf

Start of autumn and it was time
To say goodbye to my mother tree
And make my bed in the soil and grime
And look skywards to bide my time
To the day when the earth would embrace me

As I drifted down I thought I must
Pick one of roads ahead of me
To lay down on before turning to dust
Though I wondered if it mattered much
Which I picked, if dust was all I'd be

But still, hard I thought in agony
About which of the roads for me was right
Until I felt the breeze of destiny
Lift me on its wings and carry me
To the road I was always meant to find

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I let it find me, the way to go by
And that has made all the difference

(A humble ode to one of my favorite poems - "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost)

Thursday, March 14, 2024

A love song

Let me sing you a love song
With words so deep
They cannot be spoken
About promises to keep
That will not be broken
About our life together
Perfect and unlived
And dreams for each other
Lofty but unfulfilled
I sing this song so loud
The words rip my heart on their way out
I wouldn't want you to be where I am
So, for once, I am glad you are not around

The snail and I

One rainy morning, who did I see on the floor?
It was snail that was lost a long way from home
Perhaps the wind blew him in through the door
Or he hitched a ride on my shoe the night before

As I held him by his shell and placed him in my hand
Into his safe den he scampered away to hide
I wanted naught but to lead him back to his land
But scared as he was, he could not read my mind

Soon he must have seen that I meant no harm
For he crawled out of his shell into my palm
He stood there long with his slimy flesh laid bare
Looking at me as if to say "Hey, hello there"

I wondered at his naivete (or was it courage immense?)
That let him stand that way, with no shell, no defense
Of all the souls on earth, why did he place this trust in me?
No more than a stranger was I, but what kinship did he see?

A long time has now passed since the snail and I
Crossed paths for a moment in our journey of life
But even to this day, I smile as I remember
That beautiful moment of his realized surrender

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

A Frosty Crow

(The first two stanzas below are from the poem "Dust of Snow" by Robert Frost. The next two stanzas have been added by me.)

The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued

The next time in sorrow
I'll go back to the tree
Looking for the crow
To dust snow on me

What if the crow then dusts no snow
Occupied perhaps with its own woe?
Maybe I mustn't look up to the crow
But learn to mend my heart on my own

Thursday, February 29, 2024

A butterfly

On my walk in the evening twilight
I saw a golden butterfly
Flitting across lavender and marigold
Flowers arrayed in a line
In a garden that borrowed warmth
From the setting sun in the sky
Soon the butterfly gently landed 
On my palm in an elegant glide

I looked long at that delicate soul
Sorry for its fleeting life
Would it survive the brutes of nature?
Or a hand less kinder than mine?
Soon would it meet the inevitable scythe
Of that unforgiving reaper, Time
But the butterfly, happily away it flew
Unheeding the cares of my mind

As I brooded on these thoughts and more
In wafted a scented zephyr
Carrying the fragrance of garden flowers
And of my hopes and sweet desire
It whispered to me, "Whatever tomorrow's pain
Why does your heart now tire?
Fly with the butterfly, my dear child,
Soar in the sky, higher and higher"

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

My harshest critic

One wrong step have I barely taken
And she appears before me, frowning
She doesn't care that I'm already shaken
She stares me down, scowling

"The misstep was unintentional", I say
"Any other would have done the same"
But for context she doesn't much care
"I expect better, your excuse is lame"

She remembers all the mistakes I regret
Her needling words rip through the scabs
Of old wounds I'm trying to forget
A twisting spear through them she stabs

To others, she is a compassionate friend
She feels their pain deep in her soul
I wonder why the kindness doesn't extend
To me, whose battles she sees up close

I'll ask these questions, and then some more
When I see her in the mirror next

Monday, February 12, 2024

The abandoned boathouse

An abandoned boathouse stood on the edge
Of a placid lake, behind a hedge
No one visits it anymore

But not too far back there would be
Lovestruck couples who would come to see
The lake from this shore

They would come to see the colors of the sun
As it slowly sank below the horizon
Across the twinkling waves

They would ride their boats around the lake
Their lovers or their brides along they'd take
To chase the setting sun

Among those people was a beautiful girl
Whose smile would make the heartstrings twirl
Of one handsome boy

Every day they'd meet and talk
Of the dreams they'd chase, the paths they'd walk
As they grow old together

Of the house they'd build, for their many cute kids
Over pillars of trust, with their love as bricks
What a happy home it'd be!

From this house, their dreams they'd chase
And come back by dusk to its warm fireplace
Into each others arms

They'd talk these things as they rode in the boat
Or walked hand in hand along the shore
Lost in the other's eyes

At the end of the day, they'd part with a kiss
And sing a love song on how much they'd miss
Each other that night

All this I recount from many moons ago
They don't visit the boathouse anymore
I wonder what they've become

But if you've ever had a husband or a wife
Or if you've been an astute student of life
You can easily surmise

That they would no longer be singing
Love songs, but instead be bickering
Over life's mundane things

That they would no longer dream, but only rue
Their dreams of youth that never came true
And the unfairness of life

They'd perhaps be living in a sad little house
With its walls plastered with many a grouse
And no love lost in the bricks

And around its fireplace they'd never huddle
They'd have no time for kisses or a cuddle
Or for any of those silly things

And the house of their dreams would be lying alone
In dreams that they never visit anymore
Abandoned, like the boathouse

Thursday, February 1, 2024

What is art?

Words of a poem, in my mind they land
Gently like the waves on the warm beach sand
Words that, in moments of sorrow or cheer
I wish someone had whispered in my ear
Words that slake the thirst of my mind
Those are the words that I love to write

So the next time some music holds you in thrall
Or you lose yourself in a painting on the wall
Remember that a much greater joy this brings
To the mind of the artist that birthed these things
What is the art of an artist if nothing more
Than leftovers from the feast laid out for her soul?

Friday, January 12, 2024


How does the beautiful bright moon
Always manage to hide its dark side?
Why do the peaceful stars not betray
Signs of fires that eat them from inside?

How do the clouds carry themselves
With such grace when welled up with rain?
Why does the heart wince when it sees
Good people silently bearing their pain?


titiksha is a Sanskrit word that roughly translates to forbearance. It is defined as "the bearing of all suffering without the intention to react, and without anxiety or weeping" in vivekachudamani.